IBM Watson Announces New Clients, Including GenieMD

October 9, 2014

IBM Watson has announced their partnership with roughly 100 companies and nonprofit institutions, which are beginning to offer software applications using the Watson engine. Physician Resource Center partner, GenieMD, is one of those innovative companies.

Hopefully by now you’ve heard about our new patient-facing health application, myQcare, powered by GenieMD. This application connects San Diego residents with one of the largest healthcare networks in San Diego – YOU! The myQcare mobile application allows patients to exclusively search through a database of Physician Partner member physicians. Patients may also track, securely store, and conveniently share their health profile right from the palm of their hand.

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For more information about the newest release concerning our partner, GenieMD, please read the article below.


IBM’s Watson Attracts Commercial Clients

By Steve Lohr | October 7, 2014

No one questions that IBM’s Watson technology is impressive. The question is: How much of a business can it become?

IBM will show off progress on that front on Wednesday when it officially opens Watson’s business home in downtown Manhattan. IBM is announcing that about 100 companies and nonprofit institutions are developing and beginning to offer software applications using the Watson engine.

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Original Post By: NY Times

Success in Medicine despite Intolerance – Dr. Prabaker’s Story

September 30, 2014

“Here in the medical community, I am proud to say that while cases of discrimination do occasionally exist, they are usually outweighed by the idea that people should be valued for their knowledge and experience rather than their skin color.” — Venu Prabaker

Dr. Venu Prabaker is opening up about his personal experience with discrimination in the September 2014 edition of San Diego Physician Magazine, an official publication by the San Diego County Medical Society. Dr. Prabaker stresses that while intolerance does exist, he has never let it prevent him from building a successful practice or hold him back from reaching for his career goals.

Discrimination, My Perspective

By Venu Prabaker, MD | September 2014

Having been born in India, a country with a long tradition of having a strong caste systems, I am no stranger to discrimination. The Indian government has tried to change this negative aspect of their culture in recent years, and Gandhi drew worldwide attention to the problem by speaking out against oppressing the constantly downtrodden “Untouchables.” But judging people by their social class, color, or profession continues to be a persistent issue in India. Unfortunately, this mentality expands past the borders of a single country.

The reasons I came to America are intriguing and involved, but, for the sake of brevity, I’ll skip them for now. Though I had completed training as a doctor in India, the American medical system demanded that I restart my residency upon coming to this country. Consequently, I lived in poverty for eight months, often on just one meal a day. My first place of employment was in Paintsville, Kentucky, a very small town. So small, in fact, that a classmate and I were the only people in the entire town who weren’t Caucasian. He was faring better than I financially, so one night he offered to take me to dinner. We sat and talked at a table in the restaurant for over an hour before noticing that other patrons had come and gone, but the two of us hadn’t been acknowledged by the staff.

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Original Article from: San Diego Physician Magazine, September 2014 Edition

athenahealth Working with Apple on New Health App

September 22, 2014

Healthcare information systems company and Physician Resource Center member, athenahealth, is teaming up with technology giant Apple Inc. to build integrations to support Apple’s recently launched health service mobile app, HealthKit.

One of the ideas behind HealthKit is that it helps health and fitness services share their information with the app and with each other. A key feature is that HealthKit users may customize the extent to which their health information is shared.

For example, someone suffering from high blood pressure may want to allow the data from a heart monitoring app to be automatically shared with his/her healthcare provider. Another example would be allowing a fitness app to share data with a nutrition app to help calculate how many calories should be consumed based on activity level.

For more information about Apple’s new HealthKit partners, please read the article below.


Cerner and Athenahealth say integrating with Apple’s mobile health service

By Christina Farr | September 8, 2014

(Reuters) – Cerner Corp and Athenahealth Inc, two leading U.S. electronic health record providers, said on Thursday they are working with Apple Inc to develop applications that leverage Apple’s mobile health service HealthKit.

Cerner and Athenahealth representatives said they are building integrations with HealthKit and working with Apple. Previously, Apple announced a partnership with rival electronic health record company Epic Systems. Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

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Original Post By: Reuters
